Champagne For July 14 or July 15 ?

As you certainly know, 14 July is France's national holiday. Instituted by the law of July 6, 1880 which establishes an annual national holiday, it is not then specified, if it commemorates the Feast of the Federation of 1790, symbol…


In Montpellier, a resuscitation team has heart !

No wonder. A rescutitation team from Montpellier has heart ! Pas de doute. L' équipe de réanimation de l'hôpital Lapeyronie de Montpellier a du cœur ! Comme  leur patient, ils ont su garder leur sang-froid. Explications de cette prouesse médicale…


Do you have your travel guide ?

The Michelin Guide is a reference in France. To visit each region of France or important city, you can buy, among other guides, the famous green book. Each site is rated with a number of stars of 1, 2 or…


Jacques COEUR, historical figure of Montpellier

  An historical person, Jacques Cœur opens his heart (cœur in French ! ) Jacques Coeur (about 1400-1456)... Montpellier remembers this businessman from the beginning of the Renaissance with a Romanesque life: he was the first French merchant to negotiate…