Louise et Mark- Australie - Octobre 2023 IMMERSION

Bonjour Anne-Elizabeth, je suis rentrée chez moi après une semaine avec mes parents à Édimbourg. Je voudrais vous remercier pour la semaine que j’ai passé avec vous, pour les cours de français, et toute la cuisine. J’espère que mon français s’est amélioré et qu’il m’est plus facile de m’exprimer. Mark et moi tenons à vous remercier et Michel pour votre hospitalité et une semaine très agréable à Montpellier. Encore, merci, cordialement, Louise B.

Corinne, Steve et les enfants jullet/août 2023I MMERSION

Dear Anne-Elisabeth and Michel, Many heartfelt thanks for such a wonderfil stay in your home ! Anne-Elisabeth, the French lessons were terrific. We all made progress and had so much fun. You were so flexible in adapting to the needs of al l4, which was amazing ! Thank you for advancing Marshall in grammar and conversation ;Thalia for recognizing vowels and reading ( and for taping your reading of a French book); and for Steve and me in respective levels… Most of all, we loved spending time with you both, chatting about everything and absorbing your wisdom of life, and learning about the region. You have been both generous in sharing your favourite foods, places to go, history of the region and practical tips. You treated us like family and included the children in everything ! We have been especially touched by your kindness to the kids…Looking forward to keeping in touch and seeing you again, whether back here, in San Francisco or elsewhere !

Becky -Etats-Unis Avril 2023 IMMERSION

Chère Anne-Elisabeth, Merci merci merci merci merci ! Our days with you have been wonderful and fun and full of all things French0 I feel progress has been made towards my fluency. Thenks to your presistent and flexible approachto meet my needs. Thanks to you and Michel including Jay +making his vacation funand comfortable.We loved meeting Pierre-Antoine and Séraphine too. It is remarkable you all can share your life as you do. Come and visit us in Iowa ! Alle the best. Becky !

Don et Denise -Canada- 02-15 April 2023 IMMERSION

Chers Anne-Elizabeth et Michel, Merci beaucoup pour cette expérience inoubliable! Vous avez été des hôtes si gentils et accueillants et de merveilleux professeurs! Nous nous sommes sentis tellement à l’aise dans votre maison. Merci pour les délicieux repas et la conversation de tous les jours, et pour vos excellentes recommandations touristiques. Nous n’oublierons jamais notre merveilleuse visite! Nos meilleurs vœux à vous votre famille, Don & Denise

Henry - 17-22 February 2023- England FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM

stayed with Anne-Elisabeth and her husband Michel in Montpellier for a French immersion homestay. I had been taking lessons for a couple of years and wanted to improve my confidence in speaking French. I'm really glad that I chose Anne-Elisabeth. Not only is she a great teacher and listener, but her family were lovely and very welcoming. We spent a lot of time sharing delicious meals together, and my trip luckily coincided with Mardi Gras (Pancake Tuesday). Délicieux! I felt way more confident speaking French at the end of the week, and my understanding of conversational French improved drastically. I feel I now have a great base on which to build.

James 6-19 November 2022 FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM

My daughter and I, each at different levels of French comprehension and speaking, spent two wonderful weeks in residence with Anne-Elisabeth Chéron. Mme. Chéron was quickly and effectively able to design a program that worked for both of us. And I can’t stress enough the importance of immersion – we basically spoke/thought/studied French from breakfast through dinner. The afternoon excursions were both fun and informative. Anne-Elisabeth would gently correct our pronunciation/sentence structure while we visited some of the many beautiful museums and sights in the Montpelier area. Anne-Elisabeth and her husband, Michel, also recommended day and weekend trips that my daughter and I took separately. For example, we visited Nimes, Arles, and Provence. We had a blast, and spoke French as we went. The separate living space in the Chéron home was very comfortable and gave us our own space to decompress. Finally, the meals were excellent and allowed us to continue practicing our French. Thanks to Anne-Elisabeth (and Michel!) for a wonderful and rewarding immersion experience.

Margaret 18-24 September 2022- England FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM

Merci Anne-Elisabeth pour la super semaine que j'ai passée chez vous.J'ai bien apprécié toutes nos conversations et les visites si variées et puis, j'ai mis mes pieds dans la Méditerranée. J'essaierai de me souvenir de mes erreurs en français, mais vous m'avez donné la confiance que je peux me débrouiller en voyageant seule en France. Au revoir et merci et à Michel aussi.


The week flew by so quickly and I can't believe that it's already time to say goodbye! Thank you for being such a kind, patient, effective instructor as well as a knowledgeable fun-loving guide to this beautiful region. More-than all, however, thank you for giving me added confidence with my French. I have fallen in love with Montpellier and made such great friends here that I will definitely return to you. Amicalement.

Lenora April 2022 ONLINE COURSES

Super coach de français! Les cours d’Anne Elisabeth m’ont permis de progresser et de corriger ma syntaxe. Merci à elle pour sa patience et sa pédagogie !

Anaïs- September 2021 ONLINE COURSES

For teaching a highly specialised workshop in French, I sought the help of Anne-Elisabeth. She was a great help in my preparation of the workshop. With her I was able to refresh the necessary vocabulary and practice the workshop in a time efficient manner. I will certainly ask for her services again in a similar situation and can highly recommend her. Source : LinkedIn profile

Liam -Régional Director of Quantum Global Solutions May 2021 ONLINE COURSES

Anne-Elisabeth and I have been working together on my French for the last two months and I would highly recommend her to anyone trying to improve their level of French quickly. I am trying to improve my level from DELF B2 to DELF C1 and she has been really helpful in identifying my weaknesses and helping to correct them. She has also assisted me in polishing up some presentations I had to make in French. They were much more professional by the time we finished. I have no hesitation in recommending Anne-Elizabeth to anyone needing help to push their French to the next level. Source : profil LinkedIn

Jamie -April 2021 FACE TO FACE COURSES

Anne-Elisabeth has been a great help for me integrating into France. She has always adjusted the lessons to my needs and has also pushed me in new directions as any great coach should. Her enthusiasm has been really important for me to keep learning! ​" Source : LinkedIn profile

Carole et son conjoint Cours de juillet à novembre 2020 - 10/15 h/week face to face courses

Anne-Elisabeth nous a donnés des cours bien structurés, passionnants et adaptés à chacun. Nous avons pu en profiter au maximum et nous sommes très satisfaits. Elle nous a accueillis comme une famille et nous nous sommes sentis très bien accueillis. Merci beaucoup. Source : profil LinkedIn

A. Indian Student in business school in Montpellier in international section in 2020 - complete beginner in French

"Great Tutor" Mrs. Elisabeth is the best tutor, she helped me with French language and culture. she was immensely helpful and great at explaining everything. she is patient and supportive and had a very nice way about her. I couldn't have done so well without her. Source : LinkedIn profile

J. November 2019 face to face courses

A very supportive teacher who always helps me improve my French! I do regular lessons with her and find them relaxed, fun and adaptive to my level. Jamie


I had the pleasure of learning French with Anne-Elisabeth in 2018. I learned so much with her and we had a lot of fun in the process. She is as attentive to grammar and pronunciation as you would expect of a trained language teacher but she also was also extremely attentive to my unique stumbling blocks. She quickly realized that the manner in which I ended my words was impeding my communication in French and making me timid to speak. And this is where she launched her attack:-) This is also where I began to really make strides. Instead of becoming intimidated when I was not understood it allowed me to stay the course in conversations which in turn resulted in everyone I interacted with in Montpelier taking an interest in my learning. Montpelier is a very friendly and beautiful city in which to learn French. The more you honestly try in Montpellier the more the people there help! And, after my time with Anne-Elisabeth I joined friends in Paris. We were at a cafe and the waiter stoped stared and said (in French) that I spoke French very well!!! If you choose to study with anne-Elisabeth you will have no regrets. If you have any additional questions, Anne-Elisabeth has my contact information.


Salut Anne-Elisabeth Merci beaucoup pour avoir fait de bons cours ( sans lesquels je ne pouvais pas améliorer mon niveau de français). La semaine m'a beaucoup plu, et j'ai bien aimé toutes les activités et les repas avec ta famille. Merci à tous.


I loved seeing the Mediterranean sea, I have always pictured it and I can't believe I got it to see it in person. Thank you for all of your efforts in welcoming me. I am so very thankful for this experience. I will remember it for the rest of my life.


Dear Anne-Eisabeth

We wish to express our  sincere gratitude for your hospitality and devotion (which also goes to Michel). You  have received us cordially just as family. You did not spare any effort to male our stay enjoyable and useful.

As for the studies, you were responsive and sensitive and adjusted the methods and materials to my needs.


Anne-Elisabeth, Thank you, and your family for opening you home to me. I had a wonderful time. You showed me a side of France that I would have never gotten to experience as a tourist.Thank you for sharing meals with me and putting me out of my cave o insecurity about speaking French. You advanced my knowledge of French greatly and put me on a path to future success. I only wish my command of French was such to allow me to thank you properly in French. I look forward to many years of French study and you gave me a great start.​

J. - New Zealand - August 2018 FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM

Thank you so much Anne-Elisabeth + Michel for such a warm welcome. I particularly enjoyed our lengthy conversations over the lovely meals. The adventures to Saint Guilhem le Desert and Sète were fantastic. Au revoir et bises.

A. - Russia - july 2018 FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM

I am incredibly thankful to you, Anne-Elisabeth and to all the members of your lovely family for the time which we spent together. I feel that I really fulfilled my 2 main goals : progressing with the language and getting to know the culture in its real authenticity and in addition to it, I got so many nice memories and unique experiences. It will always stay in my memory and my heart. Very pleased to meet you and hope to see you again before long. Merci mille fois !


Dear Anne-Elisabeth Thank you very much. I had a wonderful time meeting you and your family. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to stay in the south of France, discover the cities and have a French immersion experience. Thank you for teaching me the French sayings and for being understanding of my very beginner level.


I came to France with the wish to work there. With Anne-Elisabeth, I improved my French and made lots of progress. Anne-Elisabeht works with professionnalism and generosity. I felt well integrated with her. Je te remercie énormément Anne-Elisabeth ! I stay with my best memories and with the hope that we will meet again some other time.

B. - june 2018 (American expat) FACE TO FACE COURSES

A big thank you for all your patience over the past year. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and having you as my coach. I have learned a lot and it will be very useful in my day to day life here in Montpellier. All the best to you.

H. 15 years - Germany - march 2018 FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IL

Thank you very much for my stay in Montpellier. Courses have much helped me for my French lessons, the excursions were fantastic.

M. - Poland - july 2017 FRENCH HOMESTAY

I spent two weeks at your home and that was an incredible stay. I have discovered French culture and I will remember these holidays with a big smile. Thank you so much.

A. - Taiwan - december 2016 FRENCH HOMESTAY

Thanks for all during my stay in Montpellier. I am very happy to have met you and I spent an incredible good time with you.

C. - Italy - august 2016 FRENCH HOMESTAY

I cannot forget my stay at Chéron's family. Thanks to them, I learnt about French culture. Thank you for your patience and take care !